NOAA announces a search for a professional to serve as Program Director for the NOAA RESTORE Science Program to be based in the Gulf of Mexico. Interested parties should submit their application materials no later than April 23, 2014. The full announcement can be found here.
The mission of the NOAA RESTORE Science Program, as directed in the RESTORE Act, is to initiate and sustain an integrative, holistic understanding of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem and support, to the maximum extent practicable, restoration efforts and the long-term sustainability of the ecosystem, including its fish stocks, fishing industries, habitat, and wildlife through ecosystem research, observation, monitoring, and technology development. Projects submitted to the program for consideration are anticipated to be multidisciplinary in scope, addressing complex ecosystem questions in support of broad restoration and management needs.
In the fall of 2013, NOAA advertised this position in USA Jobs. The continued development of the Program combined with the continued development of other Deepwater Horizon oil spill-related science and restoration programs has allowed NOAA to better assess and refine the RESTORE Science Program and its requirements for the Director position. As a result, NOAA is amending the position description and recruiting under this alternative announcement.