The NOAA RESTORE Science Program supports research, observation, and monitoring in the Gulf of Mexico to address regional science and management needs. The Science Program will periodically announce federal funding opportunities (FFOs) to which eligible applicants can apply and compete for funding.
To be alerted to when funding opportunities are open, please sign up for announcements about the Program.
Funding Mechanisms
The NOAA RESTORE Science Program will generally use competitive, peer-review approaches when selecting projects for funding and rely most often on grants and/or cooperative agreements to make awards. The Program may also use other means, including contracts, to ensure the flexibility needed to do the work required and involve appropriate partners.
Open Opportunities
The Science Program’s funding competition to support planning for actionable science is open. However, the deadline for submitting a full proposal has passed and the proposal review process has begun. The Science Program anticipates announcing the awards from this competition in the summer of 2021.
Future Opportunities
The long-term priorities captured in the science plan will serve as the basis for future funding opportunities from the Program. The Program will select the priorities to be addressed in each funding opportunity based on several factors including stakeholder input on critical regional science and management needs, the topics being addressed by other science initiatives, new research results, gaps in our scientific knowledge, and the extent to which addressing a priority will advance the mission of the program.
Recent Opportunities
The Program released its fourth federal funding opportunity (FFO-2021) on August 11, 2020 (overview and full announcement). The deadline for submitting a full proposal was December 15, 2020. The Program anticipates announcing the awards from this competition in the summer of 2021.
The Program released its third federal funding opportunity (FFO-2019) on June 5, 2018 (overview and full announcement). The Program announced the awards from this competition on October 2, 2019 and April 7, 2020.
The Program released its second federal funding opportunity (FFO-2017) on June 1, 2016 (overview and full announcement). The Program announced the awards from this competition on July 10, 2017.
The Program’s first federal funding opportunity (FFO-2015) closed on March 17, 2015 (overview and full announcement). The Program announced the awards from this competition on September 1, 2015.